Monday, 14 January 2013


old photo of gbg

                        Gibran ghani yousafzia 

 Gibran ghani  was a ase ase -Canadian  artist, poet, and writer of poshto songs like rasha janana ....... Born in the town of warkadang kali in the north of modern-day Lambal , as a young boy  he immigrated with his family to the pakistan      , where ... Wikipedia

BornJanuary 007,1999
Died again 3 times but still alive : April 10, 2013, canada 
Full nameJibran ghani yousafzia 
Parents: ghani family 
Siblings: shaba pasa manzala         His famous books like this 



A música é das melhores coisas do Mundo. Conforta, anima e amansa a tristeza. Está em todo o lado e nasce espontaneamente. Ao vivo, arrepia e torna-se inesquecível.

Music is one of the best things in the world. It comforts, cheers and soothes the sadness. It's everywhere and it is born spontaneously. Seen live, it gives the chills and becomes unforgettable.


A melhor coisa do Mundo é... *

respirar Lisboa!

Filipa Sousa

The best thing in the world is... to breathe Lisbon!


Buffet de sushi à sexta com o pessoal!

Sushi Buffet at fridays with friends!

Pedro Arcângelo, Portugal


one of the best things in the world

Not your Grandfather's cereal!  Well, actually it probably is, if your Grandfather is British

Weetabix is the best thing in the world.

I know, it looks kind of like shredded wheat crossed with dried cow patty. But here are some reasons to venture forth into a hearty bowlful:

1.) The name: "Weetabix." It's the double "e"s that make it the best. Why, it practically begins with the word "whee!"

2.) You can choose what texture you want your Weetabix to be. Pour your milk of choice on top of the Weeta-biscuits and it will soak right in -- then you can mash it up into oatmeal-esque porridge, or spoon off soggy chunks. Pour said milkstuff around the biscuits, however, and note how only the edges get damp, while the interior portion remains crispy! This is sensational.

3.) Fortified with vitamins!

4.) Organic!

5.) According to their website, each serving of Weetabix contains 537 kilojoules of energy. I think that's enough to punch through a wall!

6.) Also from the website: "Crammed with all the natural goodness of wholegrain, you can almost taste the long hot summers and gentle spring rain in every bite, resulting in the softest, plumpest grain imaginable." Doesn't that just make you want to fuck?

7.) It's made in the UK and is in fact the best-selling cereal in England, so Jarvis Cocker probably eats it.
8.) The yellow box also gives it a vaguely IKEA-esque Swedish flair that brightens up your breakfast nook and makes you feel cosmopolitan.

Globetrotting jetsetters have a separate suitcase for Weetabix

9.) Weetabix had a "wheat art" contest, and here is the winner, by a Yorkshire UK farmer who calls it "Naughty Puppy."

Naughty Puppy

10.) Weetabix actually kind of doesn't taste like anything. It is the tabula rasa of cereals. A blank chalkboard upon which to scrawl your own individual gastronomic logarithm. An empty journal yearning only to be filled with one's florid personal poetry of milks, fruits and sugars. Whee!

One_11, USA

Swimming is the best thing in all the world!

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